Guess who's gonna be a star? i am going to be a not only a star but what some have called big time star because i have just gotten back from hollywood and i can say without question that they have decided to put me in the next movie.
How do i know this? well that's hollywood baby!
i called hollywood and set up a meeting with him for coffee so we could talk about the project and featuring george clooney and or whether or not gorge could send me money in advance. because of so many fans calling, they hide his name in telephone booklet so i had to guess which one and luckily i guessed correctly. when he answered, i can tell hes been doing this since a long time ago because he was very good at acting! hollywood spoke to me the role in the next movie over the phone and read me my part which seems like it may seem difficult but i can do it, becuase otherwise i would not be talking to hollywood.
i play a man who answers the phone and has to talk to a lunatic, and he say that the person he talking to will be arrested for harrasment if he doesn't stop. it's aparently a very emotional role, one with alot of cursing so it will be nice to do adult movie and do something r rated that breaks away from normal jumanji formula. i tell him this is good and that we should meet up including gorge and get some coffee or milk so i can sign my deal to join hollywood. but he is to busy describing and acting role for me that he doesnt hear me so i just take down his adress so i can go there to talk person in person.
Thats hollywood baby!
i get my flight later that night out on jetplane so i can get there early and maybe meet every celbrity before meeting him so that i am already a movie star. i get into miami airport early satuday morning and i don't see any celebritys but this is normal becuse all the celbrities fly out of their own airport. besides, i'm not even there yet. i take my taxi out to hollywood, florida and let my journey begins!
i tell him to take me out to a club on the strip so i can talk to gorge and get him to go surprise hollywood with me. he asks me what strip, so i know he must be actor too. I say "the hot one baby!" and eventually we get there and he drops me off right inside the strip! only is this the strip?
Yes! Yes it is!
But no it isn't. i look up and i see sign that says playhouse gentlemen's club but nothing outside that is talking about the strip. i think he was too good of an actor because now i'm lost but i think maybe this is just movie set and my first hollywood try out. i decide i need to start smoking cigertetes because every singe good actor has smoked and i want to be great actor so i have to smoke at least 45 cigarete a day.
I walk into local store on and go over to shelves to see where they hid the cigaretes and if there are clue for leading me to The Real Strip. There it is, a clue! it says:
"Crest 3D Whitestrips"
First i just get to hollywood and now im already gonna be in 3d movie? wow this is hollywood baby! i pick it up to read more and it says on box:
"2 Hour Express, Noticibly Whiter Teeth in 2 hours!"
Oh no...the movie only starts in 2 hours! i was gonna at first get gorge and drink coffee with hollywood but now it looks like theres no time. Meanwhile, i almost forget that the hidden camera are already rolling on my tryouts to see if i am major star yet. Since i need to show action abilitys, I go and jump over the counter to do quick fight sequence with man, proving i can play tough guy even without cigerettes. He tries to pull out prop gun on me but i quickly pull it from him like indina jone and fire 3 blanks into his chest. POW! POW! POW? he makes acting like hurt which is funny and then the fake blood appear. Now i know why they say light camera action in holloywood! i hope he is in movie because will nice to be working with someone i already have experience with.
So i take taxi out to hollywood's house so we can get dressed real quick, i can smoke all the cigarete stick, and take me to strip in time for filming. i knock on the door and a nice looking older lady appears. i ask her to speak to mr hollywood and she says that she is mrs. hollywood and that he is at work. Oh no, this means he is already at the strip? i do not want gorge to take my part! i am about to ask her how to get there but all of a sudden i see that her teeth are white and remeber big clue i found:
"Crest 3D "WHITE"strips!"
So Hollywood's house IS the strip.... this must mean we're already filming the movie! i immediately get into charecter becuase i realize this has to be love story. i tell her that since her husband not home that maybe we can have a glass of champagne or go to nice restaurant like whole foods. she says she would not like to do that in her most convincing tone. i turn around and then give heartfelt speech about how my bonerpole tingle the moment i was laying eyes on her and that one day during a sunset i will capture her to be my lady of the night every night forever. right out of godfather or other classic love story. She tries to shut the door but in movie i know that you cant shut door on love! so i force my way in and she tries to run. i also know in movie that you cannot run from love! i catch up to her and i can tell she is good actress because she is already begining to cry, which i know from experience is true sign that this charecter love me.
As im used to, her tears signal big sex scene so we strip off clothes and get to it making wet Transfer noises and doing hollywood film. sometime i pull my boner out and pop it toward the camera so that audience can experience a 3d boner like has never been done in 21st century cinema. when Transfer is finally complete and i feel Danny Glover's tickle, i hop out and shake her hand for such a good scene. I think this will be a good movie. i would have like to met hollywood or gorge but i think after this scene i might be too big star for them and they would be nervous. as i'm leaving i wave to the cameras so they have special footage for the dvd.
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